Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day_7 Your Deepest Desire

"My deepest desires is for completeness."  That is the thought for the day.

Completeness spans across several areas of my life.  As I reflect on Day Seven and search deeply for what completion means to me, I envision living a tranquil life in Costa Rica.  My husband, who is my best companion, at my side and my kids and grandkids visiting often.

My energy is slowly, not completely, winding down in the "career" department, although, I do plan to continue facilitating Absolute Best Costa Rican Retreats and managing investments down there.  I am beginning to shift to a slower pace, a less intense work schedule, and taking more time to care for myself and my needs.  It is now time to transition my energy and effort towards semi-retirement.

Healthwise, my body is beginning to heal.  Since I retired from frequently teaching hours of hard-core fitness classes, my aches and pains have subsided.  I am noticing a little bit of muscle atrophy so, Yoga and Pilates are in order.  (I'll keep you posted on an upcoming 1st Thursday class).
My desire, as I move through the 60th decade of my life, is to maintain a tight, toned and fit body.  I would like to better balance my body's chemistry and be in a state of homeostasis.  The stressors which overstimulate my bodily systems causing them to heat up and produce excessive wear and tear throughout, are slowly being eliminated from my life.

Emotionally, as these desires begin to unfold, I will, of course, feel blissfully happy, joyous and liberated.  I will feel peace in my heart.  The right to feel happy is innate, however, I have learned that my mind, body, and soul must be aligned with the Universal Power to reach that state.  That is the only way I can receive transmissions of ''Love's" energy.  If I can acknowledge that happiness is part of the "love" equation, then living my life today, right here in San Pedro, CA. is as perfect a place to live it as any.  I don't have to "go" anywhere to find it.

It helps me to remember the times in my life when my desires were leading me in one direction and the end result was something completely different and much better than what I had imagined!  A perfect example was when I purchased my studio, The Personal Best Building.

In the beginning of my career with my studio, I was facilitating test groups for fitness products.  I helped produce and film infomercials with huge companies like Guthey-Renker and American Telecast, pioneers in the direct marketing business.  I remodeled the studio with that type of work in mind, however, my focus pivoted during the market crash of '08 and I ended up with Absolute Best!

What started as a business that facilitated marketing fitness products via infomercials turned into a multifaceted wellness facility.  We are now a group of alternative health practitioners who, together, provide the best of chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, fitness and dance training for our community. All this because of my desire to have a gorgeous dance studio.

That example proves to me that best-laid plans don't always meet with the desired goal.  Sometimes, the Univers has a better idea.

What examples can you come up with in your life that prove our Universe can complete your dreams?  If you take action, you are co-creating with a Grand Source that will surely be your best partner and companion in life.

Peace, love, namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
Share your comments below:

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Day_6 The Power of Attention

Why is it we get distracted on the way to fulfilling our dreams?  In this meditation, we learn that attention nourishes the seed for the growth of our intentions.

The urge to clean or do some menial task that stalls the start of essential activities, which are deemed to help me realize my true desires, illumes my tendency towards procrastination.  I am disciplined when it comes to work-related activities, my bread and butter.  However, integrating time in my day to concentrate and pay attention to tasks that will lead me to my highest purpose is not usually a daily practice.  I may delve into those types of projects intermittently throughout the month, and once I begin, I can sustain my concentration for hours.  The problem arises in getting STARTED!

My need for procrastination has been demonstrated regularly during the act of writing this blog.  Rather than getting up earlier to do my meditation and give myself plenty of time to contemplate the thought for the day, I run into my day and bypass the writing, until later that night.

I know that writing these blogs brings me insight and I am learning how to nourish and grow my intention to write.  The process is training me to bring out a deep desire of mine.  I wish to manifest the author in me.  So, even though I am tired at the end of the day, I have committed to publishing this blog for the 21 days of this Meditation Challenge.  And as I do, my focus, concentration, and attention create the written words on a page.

Even as I write this, I'm thinking about the bath water I have to run for myself, I've interrupted my rhythm by searching for meditation music on Youtube and playing it for ambiance to calm and focus myself.  These are all distractions and simply a means to put off the completion of the project.

What these machinations really mean is that I'm trying to get out of my commitment to myself; it would be easier NOT to write.  Deep down inside, I don't believe I'm an author, which is ironic because each time I click "publish" and send this out over the world wide web, I have manifested and brought to light the author within me.

How silly to think negatively about my desire.  I know I am not the only one who denies the Greatness within; we all do it.  I wish to overcome those negative tendencies, so, I plow through the work, override urges to procrastinate, wipe away those defeatist thoughts, and keep moving towards my desire.  Just by focusing my attention on wanting to communicate my words with you brings out the author in me.

Attention does nourish the seed of intention to fulfill its dreams.
How does attention drive you closer to your desires?  Comment below.

Love, peace, namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here

Day 5_The Fulfillment of Desire

Today the meditation centers around deserving complete fulfillment.

When I ask myself why I sometimes feel unworthy and undeserving of having my desires fulfilled, I think about my drive for perfection.  Dancing requires perfection, perfect alignment, posture, steps taken precisely at the right time, in an orderly fashion.  So when that discipline is taken into everyday life, and things don't play out perfectly, I feel let down.  I feel like I must have done something wrong, or that others aren't cooperating with me because they don't like, need or want me.  That leads me down the path of disappointment.

During life's dance, I usually find myself taking on lots of responsibilities.  I like to say it's my nature, however, as I age, I'm beginning to question that concept.  Is it my nature or have I conditioned myself to believe it's my only choice?  If I don't do it, then it probably won't get done. And would that be so bad?

And, there never seems to be enough time.  Why is it that I feel this compulsion to do so much, and yet, feel that 24 hours is never enough time to get it all done.  What am I trying to tell myself when I feel this way?  Do I feel that the Universe doesn't have enough time for me?

Of course, if I'm open-minded about the reality of life, there is no such thing as perfect.  We live in a fungible world.  Everything is transitional, temporal, nothing is fixed.  Perfection would mean the end of creation, wouldn't it?  I couldn't reset the stage, change the choreography, add or take away things that may or may not serve me.  Perfection, in that sense, would constrict my spirit.  It's like the story of looking back at the past and turning into stone; forever frozen in a statuesque stance.       

And is taking on so much responsibility really necessary?  Wouldn't I rather do less and enjoy my life more?  Who wants to feel overwhelmed by carrying so much stress?

I guess human beings feel compelled to accomplish as much as possible as they grow older because, as the clock keeps ticking, it becomes crunch time.  There's an underlying thought that tells us we have X number of years to live and if we don't realize our dreams now, we won't ever get "there."  I don't really know where "there" is; that place of attainment?  No matter, it seems like we're all trying for it.

I have had times when I felt complete synchronicity with the Universe, usually moments of meditation.  Something happens to me in that blissful state where I fully understand that this world and its material stuff is temporal, only an instant in everlasting life.  That I am a continuum of energy, past, present, and future balled up into Bliss, that which is of no time and space and just is.  In those moments, I can truly feel my nature, my being, the old soul that understands the question and has the answer, all at once.

My true self is youthful, free, happy, determined, creative, compassionate, artistic, determined, intelligent, open-minded, and caring.  Therefore, I deserve complete fulfillment.

How about you?  What makes you feel deserving of fulfillment?
Share your comments below!
Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here

Friday, July 27, 2018

Day 4_Effortless Creation

Day 4 Today's meditation is about surrendering; releasing our desires to the Universe and moving on.

When I was a little girl, I remember desperately pleading for that horse I spoke about in my last blog.  I didn't know anything about detachment when I was a child, I just wanted my wish to come true.   I couldn't understand why my request seemed so unreasonable.  My Dad actually got angry when I kept asking, exclaiming, "That's enough about the horse!  Where do you think we're going to keep it, in the middle of our living room?"  However, what I heard him say was, "It's impossible to realize your dream."  So, I stopped wishing.

We had newly immigrated from Cuba, it was the early 60's, we lived in the heart of Miami and my parents were on a limited budget.  Those circumstances never factored into my imagination.  I was a child, all I knew was; I wanted a horse.  It was an innocent desire that oozed out of my heart and soul.  I didn't have the ability to reason how I was going to get one, no thought of  "action" steps or how to go about the business of getting what I wanted.  I let go of that wish many years ago.

I believe there's a difference between a wish and a desire.  A wish comes and goes, but a desire lives in the depths of the soul.  Although it may lay dormant for a time, it will always rise again like the phoenix from the ashes.

I now have my properties in Costa Rica, beautiful, sprawling lands, wide open for a horse to roam freely.  Once again, that dream is alive and can now be fulfilled.  Although my external circumstances as a little girl squelched that wish, my true self held the space for the desire.  Now, all I have to do is take the necessary steps to get one and care for it.

There have been many examples in my life where letting go of a desire and detaching from the outcome later manifested into realizing the dream.  A clear example of that was when I was dancing professionally.  I would go on several auditions hoping for work and, after the tryouts, I would fret about my performances.  I would leave wondering what I could have done differently to somehow clinch the job.  Later, I would hang around the phone, for days, waiting for a "callback" only to feel disappointed when it didn't come.  However, the times when I went in, put my best self forth, left without any expectations of the results, undoubtedly, I would get a callback and, most of those times, I would land the job.

Life has constantly demonstrated to me that when I gracefully surrender my efforts to the Universe, it brings me what I desire, at the right time and, in the best way.  I heard a saying the other day, God has only three responses to our prayers, "no, not now, and, I have a better idea."  If I could only remember that our brilliant Universe is carrying me through life, lovingly and caringly.  If I could keep that thought in the foreground of my daily living, I could relieve myself of many stressful situations.

Surrender, don't fight with life, just go with it and see how much easier it becomes.  All your dreams can come true.

Right?  Do you agree?
Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen, experience and,
share your thoughts below.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Day 3_The Source and Goal of Desire

Day 3  The centering thought for the day is "My true self contains every possibility."  That sounds true to me.  My inner child, who naively believes all her dreams can become a reality, reigns in the deepest recesses of my mind.  That child's innocent imagination, untainted by the world's hard knocks, will always be present.

It's hard for me to think of things that are unattainable in my life because my history has proven time and again that I can manifest my desires.  However, there are some things I believe I will never be able to have, like living in my native-born country of Cuba.  I have resigned myself from wanting that dream to come true.  Instead, I have focused my attention on Costa Rica.  It's a lot like my country; the language, the landscapes, and people, who, unlike the oppressed society of Cuba, live in a free and liberated democracy.

I may not ever have that horse that I wished for when I was a little girl even though, it's hard to resign myself of that thought.  I'm 61 going on 62, and still, have not manifested it!  If it's meant to be, it may happen yet.  Costa Rica would certainly be the place to have one.

And I truly have resigned myself from ever becoming a billionaire, it doesn't really matter to me what my worth is anymore.  As long as I have my health, my family and my connection with the Universe, I will feel fulfilled.

If I really wanted to live in Cuba, I guess I could suck it up and find a way.  That is not my wish.  I could also become a revolutionary and help that society shift its collective thinking into believing that capitalism is not all bad.  However, that would make for a hard swim against the current tide of ideas.  My ambitions have led me to the easier softer path of reaching retirement and a new life in Costa Rica.

And that billion dollars, I truly give it to the Universe, if that's going to be the course of my life, then I will embrace the money that comes.  My truth about money is that Source will always provide, whatever my needs and intentions, they will always be met.  So it's up to my imagination, just like that inner child, to visualize and then take action towards my goals, ambitions, and dreams.  If I stay the course, I will always reach the destination.

What do you think?  What in your life has not manifested for you?  What would you need to do to make it a reality?  Close your eyes and dream a bit.  It's the best place to start.

Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen, experience and,
share your thoughts below.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Day 2_The Spirit of Desire

Day 2 
I would be lost without the spirit of desire.  I'm blessed to have realized my passion for dance at a very young age and to have created a life propelled by that gift.  Dance is the driving force that allows me to see Life as Art.

I cannot imagine a life without movement.  It would be as if everything was stagnant and festering in the muck of destruction.  Lately, I have noticed, especially in this current environment of social instability with its increasing numbers of homeless people, the ugliness and trappings of hopelessness.  People seem to be stuck in the muck of desirelessness.  "Why should I bother with trying, nothing ever works out for me anyway", could be their thinking.  Hopelessness can become a downward spiral driving one deep into the pits of despair.

All my feelings, joy, sadness, anger, fear, and everything else in between need a channel of expression, an outlet.  If not, they become bottled up inside and create tons of volatile pressure capable of destroying me and my world.  And what a shame that would be because I truly believe I am part of the Universal purpose and my body exists in this time and dimension as a conduit for expressing its Desire.  If Desire is part of my nature, then I want to realize all the channels available to me to bring it forth to the world.

There have been many instances in my life where my desire and a positive outcome became perfectly aligned.  One of the earliest memories of that conscious connection was in grade school.  One of my teachers discovered my talent for dance and took a special interest in getting me enrolled in a formal class.  Even though my parents could not afford the lessons, my dance teacher took me on as a student and gave me a scholarship so I could train as a classical ballerina.  She took me on as her protege, working privately with me for many years and, she helped lay down the foundation of what would become my life's endeavor.

Another instance was also connected to my dance.  My ballet teacher, Ms. Stadler, took me to a special class one day at a beautiful studio in Coral Gable, Florida.  I was so impressed by the huge double door entrance and sprawling foyer, the beautiful spiral staircase leading up to the owner's living space, the gorgeous mirrored dance space with bars and lovely hardwood floors, that I was awed by the moment.  I remember thinking, "when I grow up, I want a home just like this with a beautiful studio built right into my house."  That dream came true.  Since then, I've had not one, but two beautiful living spaces where I can step right into my gorgeous dance studio situated right inside my home.

And I can honestly say that having the desire to have children in my life has brought me more joy and happiness than I could have ever imagined.  Just to know of their presence lifts my heart and soul and to see them bring forth their own children is even grander!  Yes, a dancing Grandma!  I'm their "Abba," short for Abuelita, and except for the excessive demands on my energy just to keep up with them, they are the sweetest part of my life.

There are so many examples of how this force of desire is truly powerful.  It makes me think of the adventures and challenges I have experienced throughout my journey with my Costa Rican dream.  The properties I purchased so many years ago were wrought with problems; no infrastructure, a far distance from home, uncooperative people, legal issues, and so much more.  Yet, the dream was bigger and more powerful than the negative forces which pushed and pulled against it.

Today, it is becoming a reality.  We are beginning to build our infrastructure, our neighbor is building his home and I am slowly realizing that my desire is taking form.  It was my desire that created my vision and together, they were the driving force which kept the dream alive.  I was meant to create a retreat in this tropical paradise where I could invite customers, clients, patients, relatives, and friends to bask in a paradise of flora and fauna.  Nothing could have stopped that desire from manifesting.  And it is happening right now!

Desire, keep coming!
Thanks to Oprah and Deepak

Peace, love, namaste,

Please share and comment below.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Day 1_The Nature of Desire

I always look forward to Deepak and Oprah's 21 Day Meditation Challenges.  Sharing them with all my friends keeps me on track with the process, so, I decided to write this blog and journal my insights on each day's meditation.

Day 1 started yesterday but it's not too late to get on board.  Just click here, to begin listening.  Each day's web stream will be available for 5 days; then they automatically drop off, leaving the current day's and upcoming sessions available.

I like to listen every morning before starting my day, and then again, in the evening when I am winding down.

Here are some insights from the first's day's meditation.

My hopes and desires for this meditation challenge are to be accepting of my age; to welcome my 62 years of existence on this planet and embrace the beauty, grace, and wisdom of my body.  That way, my spirit can be free to soar.

The nature of my desire expresses itself throughout my day.  First, by compelling me to sit and meditate in the early morning.  Then, my body demands that I evacuate my system, flushing all that which no longer serves me and creating space for more fulfillment.  Just as my body functions in this manner, I am finding that as I age, my mind too is beginning to purge daily responsibilities which no longer serve me.

I can visualize my upcoming day and let go of "stuff"; possessions, obligations, hardcore exercise, and even some relationships.  I can detach my thinking from the material to the Universal plane, from getting to giving, and I can share my energy with softer, kinder people.

I am a people pleaser.  I want you to like me so much that I put my needs aside just to make sure you get yours met.  I even feel anxious and upset if things don't work out well for you!  However, deep down inside, that urge to help is really a deep-seated need to be recognized and loved.  Which means... I don't believe I AM loved!  I need to change that M.O. and begin to take care of and love myself first.  I am responsible for me, you are responsible for you.

I hope this meditation will help me manifest my desire for getting my needs met first.  Additionally, I am hoping to learn how best to release the burden of so much responsibility.  I'm not getting any younger, the timeline for this life is growing shorter and I want to fulfill my dreams while I can.  The best way for me to succeed on this journey is to make my health; body, mind, and soul, a priority in life.

If I eat right, continue with moderate exercise, meditate, and surround myself with genuinely healthy individuals, I may be able to live until I'm 100 years of age.  That gives me plenty of time to make ALL my dreams come true.

Love, peace, namaste.

Listen and experience the meditations...

What did you get out of the meditation?  Comment below...