Why is it we get distracted on the way to fulfilling our dreams? In this meditation, we learn that attention nourishes the seed for the growth of our intentions.
The urge to clean or do some menial task that stalls the start of essential activities, which are deemed to help me realize my true desires, illumes my tendency towards procrastination. I am disciplined when it comes to work-related activities, my bread and butter. However, integrating time in my day to concentrate and pay attention to tasks that will lead me to my highest purpose is not usually a daily practice. I may delve into those types of projects intermittently throughout the month, and once I begin, I can sustain my concentration for hours. The problem arises in getting STARTED!
My need for procrastination has been demonstrated regularly during the act of writing this blog. Rather than getting up earlier to do my meditation and give myself plenty of time to contemplate the thought for the day, I run into my day and bypass the writing, until later that night.
I know that writing these blogs brings me insight and I am learning how to nourish and grow my intention to write. The process is training me to bring out a deep desire of mine. I wish to manifest the author in me. So, even though I am tired at the end of the day, I have committed to publishing this blog for the 21 days of this Meditation Challenge. And as I do, my focus, concentration, and attention create the written words on a page.
Even as I write this, I'm thinking about the bath water I have to run for myself, I've interrupted my rhythm by searching for meditation music on Youtube and playing it for ambiance to calm and focus myself. These are all distractions and simply a means to put off the completion of the project.
What these machinations really mean is that I'm trying to get out of my commitment to myself; it would be easier NOT to write. Deep down inside, I don't believe I'm an author, which is ironic because each time I click "publish" and send this out over the world wide web, I have manifested and brought to light the author within me.
How silly to think negatively about my desire. I know I am not the only one who denies the Greatness within; we all do it. I wish to overcome those negative tendencies, so, I plow through the work, override urges to procrastinate, wipe away those defeatist thoughts, and keep moving towards my desire. Just by focusing my attention on wanting to communicate my words with you brings out the author in me.
Attention does nourish the seed of intention to fulfill its dreams.
How does attention drive you closer to your desires? Comment below.
Love, peace, namaste.
Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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