Awareness is fungible, not fixed. It is always changing, flexible and flowing. If we expect it to stay the same forever, we limit our understanding of the subtle nature of fluidity and free-flowing energy.
A great example of how awareness can be flexible is the experience of making a lifestyle change. For instance, changing your eating habits by eliminating consumption of unhealthy foods and substances, like sugar, processed foods, alcohol and other chemicals known to be toxic to your body. That change can cause misery and pain. Going through detox is not fun. When one develops unhealthy habits, depriving the body and mind of the things it craves can cause headaches, stomach cramps, and a general sense of unease and discomfort about your body. Sometimes, the pain of going through a change in habit can tempt one to abandon the idea.
On the other hand, once the body adjusts to this new way of eating, a new kind of freedom is found, it feels better. One begins to relax into this new way of living and basic needs like sleeping, breathing, evacuating, and autonomic bodily functions return to homeostasis. Soon one finds that the pendulum has swung in the other direction, and free-flowing energy begins to compel you to make healthier choices. However, if you are not diligent about creating these new choices daily, you will find yourself sliding back towards those old habits of consumption which took you out of balance in the first place.
Change comes to me in waves. If I stick with the process, I usually understand that the benefits will outway the negatives. My commitment to writing this blog and reflecting on Deepak and Oprah's 21 Day Meditations, is a NEW addition to my day and a change in my usual meditation practice. Sometimes I balk at having to sit down and set my mind to the task. However, if I embrace the process and override my inclination to say, "forget it," I begin to trust that, through it, I will learn about myself. The benefit will result in me learning a new discipline and possibly change the course of my life. What if, through this process, I have a breakthrough understanding of my underlying motivates for the choices I make? Then the "process" becomes a tool for change which, at worst, can improve my writing skills, at best, becomes a catalyst for reaching a higher state of being.
Remember the example of the weed pushing through the slab of concrete to lift itself up and out into the sunlight? That's what it feels like when I work on building my desire to become my Absolute Best. I can change, grow and turn towards the sunlight of the Spirit each and every day, even beyond the 21 days of this challenge. No matter how hard it feels to plow through this, I know I will have a breakthrough and come to a deeper understanding of who I am.
Life's journey ebbs and flows. The events we experience are like the waves on the ocean, they come, we navigate the ride, feel the surge of the energy beneath us, and, innately ride along with the great Power that propels us over it. The sea of awareness is like the ocean. We can learn how to feel that Spiritual Wave coming towards us and learn to ride it to the end. Then, when the ride is over, gently come down into the womb of the Universe and prepare for the next one. Or, we can get distracted, lose our focus, be unprepared to ride the wave, and when it comes, find ourselves crashing down into the surge of an immense force that tosses us about like we were ragdolls.
Life's journey ebbs and flows. The events we experience are like the waves on the ocean, they come, we navigate the ride, feel the surge of the energy beneath us, and, innately ride along with the great Power that propels us over it. The sea of awareness is like the ocean. We can learn how to feel that Spiritual Wave coming towards us and learn to ride it to the end. Then, when the ride is over, gently come down into the womb of the Universe and prepare for the next one. Or, we can get distracted, lose our focus, be unprepared to ride the wave, and when it comes, find ourselves crashing down into the surge of an immense force that tosses us about like we were ragdolls.
Meditation can be very similar to riding that ocean wave. My mental and bodily state while I do my practice determines whether I ride that wave and gently settle into its end or, become distracted, crash and get tossed about. It's impossible to shut off the many thoughts in my head while I'm meditating. However, if I sit quietly and "observe" them as they pass by my mind's eye, I begin to calm down. The tension starts to slip away and time stands still.
On the contrary, when I hold on to a thought and begin building another "story," such as, "I always have to take care of everyone else's problems," or, "I'm running late again, I can't stand the thought of getting on the 405 freeway," I tense up. My shoulders elevate up to my ears, my heart rate increases, my breathing becomes shallower, and I get out of sync with Spirit. Spirit will not interrupt my busy mind, it waits for me to invite it in. However, I can only do that if I'm not engaged with my story.
The only way for me to escort in the free-flowing nature of Spirit is to ease my breath, release the grasp on my thoughts, relax and just exist on my couch, NOW. Not tomorrow, later today, but NOW. Now, is when I can embrace the magic of my heart, notice it's gentle beating, feel the expansion of my lungs as they breath in and out, and observe the wonder of intelligence and magic of my body's autonomic systems. Only in the NOW can I hear the sound of the ocean in my head, sounds of nature all around, soft music in the background, warmth on my skin and the cool breeze hitting and cooling it ever so gently. Only in the NOW, I can feel the flow of life.
Meditation feels like a hug from the Universe. Receiving love from Source reminds me that I am not alone and that there's a more significant purpose for my existence. The surge of that Power is electric, and the more I gravitate towards it, the more my energy becomes recharged and ready to power through my day. The charge makes it easy to make the right choices for my body, mind, and soul. Whether those choices are to eat or drink more healthily, choose like-minded, more positive people to surround myself with, or focus on activities that drive me towards my highest purpose, they bring me fluid and flowing energy Powered by Spirit. So daily, I chose to ride the wave of life by living life in wonder and amazement.
Peace, Love, Namaste.
On the contrary, when I hold on to a thought and begin building another "story," such as, "I always have to take care of everyone else's problems," or, "I'm running late again, I can't stand the thought of getting on the 405 freeway," I tense up. My shoulders elevate up to my ears, my heart rate increases, my breathing becomes shallower, and I get out of sync with Spirit. Spirit will not interrupt my busy mind, it waits for me to invite it in. However, I can only do that if I'm not engaged with my story.
The only way for me to escort in the free-flowing nature of Spirit is to ease my breath, release the grasp on my thoughts, relax and just exist on my couch, NOW. Not tomorrow, later today, but NOW. Now, is when I can embrace the magic of my heart, notice it's gentle beating, feel the expansion of my lungs as they breath in and out, and observe the wonder of intelligence and magic of my body's autonomic systems. Only in the NOW can I hear the sound of the ocean in my head, sounds of nature all around, soft music in the background, warmth on my skin and the cool breeze hitting and cooling it ever so gently. Only in the NOW, I can feel the flow of life.
Meditation feels like a hug from the Universe. Receiving love from Source reminds me that I am not alone and that there's a more significant purpose for my existence. The surge of that Power is electric, and the more I gravitate towards it, the more my energy becomes recharged and ready to power through my day. The charge makes it easy to make the right choices for my body, mind, and soul. Whether those choices are to eat or drink more healthily, choose like-minded, more positive people to surround myself with, or focus on activities that drive me towards my highest purpose, they bring me fluid and flowing energy Powered by Spirit. So daily, I chose to ride the wave of life by living life in wonder and amazement.
Peace, Love, Namaste.
Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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