Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Day 14_Fulfilling My Dreams Fulfills my Spirit

"To thine own self, be true." Shakespear.

If I follow my deepest desires, then the source of that desire must be my spirit. It's my spirit that quietly speaks to me through my thoughts, dreams, and actions. My body is my spirit's vehicle. It uses me to create and manifest all things in form. It lives within me to lift me up and help me understand how I am loved and protected.

Everything in my life happens as it should, no matter how it materializes. The unfoldment of my dreams, whether they might be relating to my finances, health or relationships, is Spirit's way of living through me. It guides me through my darkest hours and most difficult situations.

When I was a young girl, I was taught to go to church and ask for forgiveness whenever I was punished for misbehaving. I was expected to pray to God and ask him to remove all my sins. However, reciting the regulation prayers felt insincere and false. I never had a Spiritual experience kneeling in that church.

Today, I find that meditation is the best conduit to Source Energy. I have a personal connection to Spirit and have had many spiritual experiences during my meditations. This personal relationship is my truth. It feels right for me.

In the past, my understanding of spirituality was that God existed outside of me and if I were to know and feel him, it would take a miracle. Today I know that True Source lives within me, deep in my heart. There is no separation between my God and me, we are one. The wondrous miracles that keep showing up in my daily life are all the proof I need to validate my understanding.

Peace, Love, Namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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