Thursday, August 16, 2018

Day 22_I Am the Universe

Today, may the Universe open up one more heart to the power of its love.  If I say that prayer every day until I am 90 years old, which is 28 years from now, and if the Universe conspires to be my partner in its realization, this prayer will feasibly touch 10,220 lives.

Imagine how loving and bright the world could be if everyone touched by that prayer would then pass it forward.  The expansion of that love would be exponential. It would cover the globe with peace, love, and understanding within our lifetime, and have enough left over to reach beyond the limits of our Universe.  If everyone worked in concert with the Source of all that is, was and ever will, then the enlightenment of one more person on a daily basis could be, will be, and always was our destiny to manifest.

The Universe continually helps me learn and grow into my spiritual awareness.  The wonder of Spirit reveals the opportunities meant for me to learn and grow from through the people and circumstances that appear in my daily living.  Miracles seem to unfold before me regularly.

Just last week, a friend of mine reached out and shared about feeling down that the IT job he was interviewing for did not come through for him.  While he was sharing, I realized I needed help with updating my website.  I was having issues with the design team I had hired from one of the largest web hosting and design companies in the world.  I had paid them a substantial sum of money, yet, I was not getting my needs met.  I offered my friend the job instead, which he gladly took, but the best part of the story was that he was able to manifest a significant refund of my money from the company mentioned above.  I was able to turn around and pay him for his work with that refund.  My friend has surpassed the level of professionalism and integrity the other company had promised but never delivered.  I, after waiting for months, am finally getting my new website.   

That was a God-Shot if there ever was one.  This unassuming man transformed a problematic situation which was adversely affecting my daily business and turned it into salvation. His spirit saw that he could help me and in turn, I helped him.  This is the magic of sharing your life with others, it allows one to be 100% present, open, and honest, and thereby, creates opportunities for resolution, understanding, and peace.  My friend's example shows how enlightenment allows us to reach out and help one another.

Meditation has always been easy for me.  I look forward to my quiet time where I can bring my external senses inward and introspectively see myself and my life truthfully.  My challenge has always been knowing how to continually bring that awareness into my daily life's experiences.  Being mindful in the transcendent state is easy, however, going out into the world, dealing with people, business, and family is a different story.  My mental and physical health can become negatively affected if I allow the unease and discomfort of life's situations to get the best of me.

I am so happy and grateful that Deepak and Oprah share these 21 Day Meditations with regularity.  They help me sharpen my skills in all aspects of my life.  I love the journal and reflection process with each day's experience and, I know that if I continue with my prayer for one more soul to experience that inner peace and harmony which comes from sitting quietly, breathing and stilling the mind, then the world would be changed for the better, one person at a time.

I am the Universe, the Universe is in me.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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