Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Day 20_Finding your Freedom.

I manifest my desires in freedom.

This 21-day meditation challenge has taught me how to release the outcome of my desires and to allow the Universe to bring me what I need rather than what I want.  The best gift is when those two things align and what I receive surpasses my wildest imagination.

As I prepare for semi-retirement, I release the stronghold on my business and allow others to step into their leadership roles.  I have now become freer to move in a new direction with my professional interests.

Although I am starting to slow down, that workaholic mindset continues to compel me to push beyond my limits.  Physically, even though I'm soon to be 62 years old, I'm in excellent shape.  I don't feel like a senior citizen in my mind, but the body is beginning to signal me of the subtle changes it is experiencing as it moves into the twilight years.

Embracing this new chapter of my life is thrilling and frightening, at the same time.  Semi-retirement can be scary.  However, if I can sit with the fear and wait until the sensation passes, the unknown doesn't seem so overwhelming.  I'm discovering that this chapter of my life, moving away from the daily operations of running Absolute Best and moving towards my new adventures in Costa Rica, is merely a change in direction, something different.

I'm leaving my comfort zone and exploring something I haven't fully mastered.  So, I must give myself the time to learn how to meld into this new life, learn how to manage my finances so I'll be solvent enough to lead the lifestyle I'm accustomed to and begin to allow for more "down" time in my day.

Already, I am learning to take more time for myself.  Placing my interests and personal needs before those of the business' and others' is not an abdication of my responsibilities, it's just prioritizing things differently.  If I am healthier, calmer and more present, then when others need me, the support I can lend is unconditional, and I will not feel depleted from giving.  I can be more helpful to others if I am of right mind, body, and spirit.

I can identify with many things in my business that I feared would impact it negatively if I changed them, for example, me personally teaching hard-core cardio classes.  What I learned after cutting them from my schedule is that the business was not affected negatively, it is still here, running strong and being of service to our community.  We just changed how we do things.  That's not a bad thing, just different.  I miss teaching my classes, but my body is very relieved.  No more overtraining, just Yoga and meditating now.  And that's ok. I am at peace with the change I made, and I look forward to seeing how Costa Rica unfolds for me.

I am free to manifest my desires, and when my dreams align with the Universe, that is freedom. 

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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