Thursday, August 16, 2018

Day 22_I Am the Universe

Today, may the Universe open up one more heart to the power of its love.  If I say that prayer every day until I am 90 years old, which is 28 years from now, and if the Universe conspires to be my partner in its realization, this prayer will feasibly touch 10,220 lives.

Imagine how loving and bright the world could be if everyone touched by that prayer would then pass it forward.  The expansion of that love would be exponential. It would cover the globe with peace, love, and understanding within our lifetime, and have enough left over to reach beyond the limits of our Universe.  If everyone worked in concert with the Source of all that is, was and ever will, then the enlightenment of one more person on a daily basis could be, will be, and always was our destiny to manifest.

The Universe continually helps me learn and grow into my spiritual awareness.  The wonder of Spirit reveals the opportunities meant for me to learn and grow from through the people and circumstances that appear in my daily living.  Miracles seem to unfold before me regularly.

Just last week, a friend of mine reached out and shared about feeling down that the IT job he was interviewing for did not come through for him.  While he was sharing, I realized I needed help with updating my website.  I was having issues with the design team I had hired from one of the largest web hosting and design companies in the world.  I had paid them a substantial sum of money, yet, I was not getting my needs met.  I offered my friend the job instead, which he gladly took, but the best part of the story was that he was able to manifest a significant refund of my money from the company mentioned above.  I was able to turn around and pay him for his work with that refund.  My friend has surpassed the level of professionalism and integrity the other company had promised but never delivered.  I, after waiting for months, am finally getting my new website.   

That was a God-Shot if there ever was one.  This unassuming man transformed a problematic situation which was adversely affecting my daily business and turned it into salvation. His spirit saw that he could help me and in turn, I helped him.  This is the magic of sharing your life with others, it allows one to be 100% present, open, and honest, and thereby, creates opportunities for resolution, understanding, and peace.  My friend's example shows how enlightenment allows us to reach out and help one another.

Meditation has always been easy for me.  I look forward to my quiet time where I can bring my external senses inward and introspectively see myself and my life truthfully.  My challenge has always been knowing how to continually bring that awareness into my daily life's experiences.  Being mindful in the transcendent state is easy, however, going out into the world, dealing with people, business, and family is a different story.  My mental and physical health can become negatively affected if I allow the unease and discomfort of life's situations to get the best of me.

I am so happy and grateful that Deepak and Oprah share these 21 Day Meditations with regularity.  They help me sharpen my skills in all aspects of my life.  I love the journal and reflection process with each day's experience and, I know that if I continue with my prayer for one more soul to experience that inner peace and harmony which comes from sitting quietly, breathing and stilling the mind, then the world would be changed for the better, one person at a time.

I am the Universe, the Universe is in me.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Day 21_Creating Peace

Finally, peace comes when we shift into becoming one with Spirit.  Some call that enlightenment, and it manifests through the process of meditation.  In Day-21, Deepak says, "my presence creates peace."  Peace is a state of being rather than an outside influence on our souls.  It rises from within.
That's the ultimate goal from meditation, to feel the tranquility of peace, wholeheartedly, as we become peace itself.  Our presence and awareness of that state are what bring it to life.

Think what a new and different world we could live in if each of us were in tune with that peaceful sensibility residing in our hearts.  Could there be such a thing as war if that state was ever present in us all?  I believe there could not.  If I scale the concept of battle down to one individual against another, and if each of them has peace in their heart, then only love, understanding, and harmony are possible.

My mission is to bring complete wellness to individuals, body, mind, and spirit.  If I can bring more people on this path of health and spirituality, even if it's one at a time, then I can make a difference.  It's like the story of the starfish I shared about in a previous blog.  Even if there are millions of starfish stranded on the beach struggling to survive, and all you could do was to throw one of them back in the sea, what a difference that would make for the one lone starfish.  Think of the magnitude of that simple act of saving one starfish and multiply it by millions of individuals who could help in the same way.  All those starfish could all be saved.

This 21-Day Meditation Challenge has taught me that I can walk through my fear, especially when it comes to change.  I also reconnected with my passion for writing.  Reflecting on each day's meditation by writing these blogs has taught me to become disciplined about practicing my craft and sharpening my skills.  This challenge has impressed upon me the importance of how to use and form my words.  I referred to the dictionary and checked my grammar with "Grammarly" (great app by the way), so I could intelligently project my message and, thereby, enhance my ability to communicate with others.

Mostly, I learned how to "unzip" myself and look deep within me to meet the person I honestly am.  Knowing myself intimately, I can speak my truth to the world, not be ashamed or embarrassed about what others may or may not think of me, and accept all my flaws as part of the Universes' creation.  That I am here to co-create with Source is the absolute best way to mold, shape and change those flaws and transform them into assets.

As Edith Piaf used to say, "Use your faults, use your defects, then you're going to be a star."  That can happen in my life if I melt into the wonders of this changing, moving world.  Feel the pain and tragedy, embrace the love and lightness and believe in the miracles of daily living.  These are the essentials of soul manifestation.

Where are you?  Have you found Peace?  I have, and I am.
Peace, Love, Namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Day 20_Finding your Freedom.

I manifest my desires in freedom.

This 21-day meditation challenge has taught me how to release the outcome of my desires and to allow the Universe to bring me what I need rather than what I want.  The best gift is when those two things align and what I receive surpasses my wildest imagination.

As I prepare for semi-retirement, I release the stronghold on my business and allow others to step into their leadership roles.  I have now become freer to move in a new direction with my professional interests.

Although I am starting to slow down, that workaholic mindset continues to compel me to push beyond my limits.  Physically, even though I'm soon to be 62 years old, I'm in excellent shape.  I don't feel like a senior citizen in my mind, but the body is beginning to signal me of the subtle changes it is experiencing as it moves into the twilight years.

Embracing this new chapter of my life is thrilling and frightening, at the same time.  Semi-retirement can be scary.  However, if I can sit with the fear and wait until the sensation passes, the unknown doesn't seem so overwhelming.  I'm discovering that this chapter of my life, moving away from the daily operations of running Absolute Best and moving towards my new adventures in Costa Rica, is merely a change in direction, something different.

I'm leaving my comfort zone and exploring something I haven't fully mastered.  So, I must give myself the time to learn how to meld into this new life, learn how to manage my finances so I'll be solvent enough to lead the lifestyle I'm accustomed to and begin to allow for more "down" time in my day.

Already, I am learning to take more time for myself.  Placing my interests and personal needs before those of the business' and others' is not an abdication of my responsibilities, it's just prioritizing things differently.  If I am healthier, calmer and more present, then when others need me, the support I can lend is unconditional, and I will not feel depleted from giving.  I can be more helpful to others if I am of right mind, body, and spirit.

I can identify with many things in my business that I feared would impact it negatively if I changed them, for example, me personally teaching hard-core cardio classes.  What I learned after cutting them from my schedule is that the business was not affected negatively, it is still here, running strong and being of service to our community.  We just changed how we do things.  That's not a bad thing, just different.  I miss teaching my classes, but my body is very relieved.  No more overtraining, just Yoga and meditating now.  And that's ok. I am at peace with the change I made, and I look forward to seeing how Costa Rica unfolds for me.

I am free to manifest my desires, and when my dreams align with the Universe, that is freedom. 

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Day 19_Becoming a Co-Creator

 The centering thought for this meditation is: I enjoy being a co-creator.

It's quite miraculous that these reflections have a flow-line as one leads to the other.  Of course, following the guided meditations helps to keep things on track.  One building block sets up the foundation for the next.  It's like the choreography of a dance, one step transitions into the other, you can't step into the next movement until you complete the execution of the previous one.

And life works in that same way, our present is dependent on our history, and the sum total of our past experiences brings us to the NOW.  Everything is just as it should be, we are masterfully co-creating with the Universe as we attract all things into our world through relationships, community, and spirituality.

Writing my reflections on these blogs have inspired me to begin choreographing a new dance.  I am honored and privileged to have been given awareness of my gifts.  The Universe instilled these in my heart and soul so I could co-create with the Collective Consciousness and help it evolve.  My contribution should be to utilized for the greater good.  Whether or not I share my gifts with the world does not matter.  What's important is that I dance, even if it's just me, alone, with my music in my beautiful studio feeling the grace of movement energizing Spirit within.

Inconspicuous spirituality radiates even though there are no outer inferences exhibiting conscience contact with the Universe.  The co-creation of my life through the law of attraction, manifestation, and divine grace bleeds through all aspects of it, and it is through that agency that all things are possible.

All I need to get through my day is the knowledge that my heart is filled with Spirit.  Whether I'm dealing with my career, relationships, health or my creativity, it doesn't matter how the world sees and interprets my life.  As long as I have no ill will towards anyone or anything, everything is just as it should be.

If my intentions are pure, then the results of my actions belong to Spirit, and all my desires unfold as they should.  If someone tries to rain on my parade, it cannot disturb my serenity nor divert me from my path.  I know that in the end, my truth will shine and all will be well.  People can tell me my hopes and dreams are delusions of grandeur. However, my unshakable connection to Source keeps me tethered to them.  If I know my truth and am confident of how to attain my desires, then, I become unstoppable.  Those dreams are as valid as my name.  You can tell me I am not Clarita all you want, but that won't change the fact that I AM CLARITA!

I LOVE to co-create with the Universe.  What a magnificent partner!

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Day 18_ Manifesting Through Grace

The thought for this meditation is: Being grateful for divine manifestations.

I may not be able to explain Grace although I have personal knowledge of experiencing its energy coursing through my body.  Grace is the Power behind the movements of my dance.  I have felt myself dissolving away from the heaviness of my physicality into the graceful flow of energy.   A turn, a leap, a stillness in time with the music, those sensations open my heart and connect me with the Devine.  That is grace.

Recognizing this force of movement allows me to see how it also appears in my daily experiences.  It focuses my awareness on the graceful nature of the Devine which generates all aspects of my life,  my relationships, my finances, and my health.  Grace is the life force that runs through me and the creative engine for manifesting all things within and outside my world. My love and light are carried on the wings of its Devine Power.  I'm so grateful for my awareness of this fluid, lustrous force which guides and co-creates this spectacular piece of art that I call my life.

Whenever things go astray, and I find myself stuck in the muck of non-creativity, stress and worry, I can sit quietly and wait, wait for that Devine Grace to inspire me, to move, and change the choreography of my life.  Then, I can build a new exciting piece of art that will bring joy and laughter to others.  My greatest gift is my awareness of my ability to work in concert with this essential nature of manifestation and humbly bow to the unbounded energy of its Grace. 

I like to look at the struggles in my life as pauses that allow me to notice what needs changing.  Where do I need to prepare, what steps do I need to take before I leap?  I can't go very high in the air if I just stand there and then jump.  I need momentum to help me gather sufficient strength and energy to execute a flying leap that extends high and wide across space and time.  Then, I must come down gracefully with a soft, subtle landing.  A leap of faith can only be taken with premeditation and intent.

My preparation for my next Absolute Best Costa Rican Retreat, which by the way, is coming up in January, takes lots of work and coordination.  However, I haven't worried about all the back-end collaboration and details that are usually necessary for creating one of these Yoga retreats.  I just put the thought out into the world a couple of weeks ago, and then my beautiful stepdaughter informed me that she was preparing a trip to Costa Rica.  She volunteered to do some research on how to make this upcoming trip the best ever.  Since she's been back, she and a friend have been collaborating with me, and I'm thrilled to have the infusion of fresh new ideas for this retreat.  It's exciting that I can just show up at a meeting and discover that most of the planning for this get-away is being done by these girls.

I have faith that, through our collaboration and Spirit's Grace, this Yoga and Adventure Tour experience will manifest into a fabulous Absolute Best Retreat.  I will keep you guys posted, however, mark your calendars and save the dates January 8th through the 18th, 2019.  We want to see you in Costa Rica enjoying our next retreat with us.   

I'm so grateful the Universe provides me with so much Grace and Power to manifest my desires.  How about you?  Comment below.

Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Day 17_Playful Manifestation

Dancing has always felt playful to me.  I began studying ballet at age nine and have been dancing through life ever since.  One of my earliest performances was choreographed to depict a young girl playing in a meadow.  There were flowers to pick, a babbling brook to traverse, a broken tree branch to balance on and the brightest sunlight that shown down over the scene.  I skipped, jumped, and twirled until the very end of the dance when I turned faster and faster, lost my balance and plopped down on the ground.  I landed with my legs apart, feet flexed and my hands outstretched, looking up and smiling from ear to ear.

The move seemed so real that some in the audience thought I really had fallen although it was part of the choreography.  Kids in the audience laughed robustly, and I felt I successful with my execution of the finale.   I had hypnotized the audience into believing my magical world on the stage was real.  I wasn't ashamed, embarrassed or disappointed with the reaction.  It was so much fun dancing that piece.  My dance teacher, Ms. Stadler, and I had the best time creating it because it was the first dance I had ever choreographed and it was perfect.

That is Lila.

The most beautiful part of this story is that I had nothing to defend or feel embarrassed about.  Kids can sometimes be mean, and to be ridiculed by someone feels cruel.  However, I was so confident about my choreography and knew exactly how I was to fall and land, that it didn't matter people were laughing at me.  They were supposed to.  My goal was to bring joy into their hearts.  I had choreographed it that way.

Wouldn't it be nice if I felt that way today?  Each day before I step out my door, I could set the intention to have as much fun as possible, pick some flower, do a little skipping and twirling around for fun.  I could prep my to-do list, just as I choreographed my dance, and go out to accomplish those tasks on my list that will help me reach my goals.  And, if for some reason, I fall flat on my behind from failing to meet them entirely, I could try it again the next day without feeling shame, remorse or embarrassment.  That would be spectacular!

There is no shame in failure, just like Ms. Stadler, it's my best teacher.  I learn from my mistakes.  If I knew enough as a child to choreograph a fall into my dance, then today, as an adult, I can remember to prepare for a few bumps in the road.  As I gracefully accept those missteps, which will inevitably land me on my behind, I can happily play in this dance of life.

The play of life. How does it show up for you?

Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Day 16_Trusting Nature`s Course

The thought for the day is, "Everyone's spiritual path is perfect."

My dad taught me to place "trust" above all principles because it is the highest and best path to love.  A relationship built on this fundamental principle can never waver for it is the glue that holds the human race together.

I love my friends and family, and because I am an empath, I can feel their joy as well as their pain.  Often times, I try to offer help when they are sad or upset. Unfortunately, it is is not always accepted.

Fixing other people's problems is not the healthiest approach to helping them because it can sometimes lead to entanglement.  My intention to help may be honest and pure but if the person is not willing to receive the help, then, game over.  Even my dad's wonderful teaching about trust doesn't resonate with someone who is closed off from solutions.

If the Universal Intelligence has everyone's back, then I can lovingly let go, trust and allow others to take their own journey.  We all have an innate ability to find our own answers.  I need to honor that truth; God knows I have enough on my plate without taking on other people's problems too.

One must take definitive action while on the path to discovering their truth.  Taking action can be as simple as accepting things, or, deciding to change them in search of a better solution.  I am confident that my loved ones are weighing each of their options out for their lives and, as the Universal law prevails, their destinies will unfold as they should.

I can quickly fall prey to the physiological side effects of stress whenever I worry about my children, who are the most important parts of my heart and soul.  There is nothing I want more than to see them happy.  However, distress befalls us all, and they are no exception to the rule.  I must remember that I need to trust the Universe to carry them through the hardships of their lives.  I taught them how to live happy principled lives, the rest is up to them and their relationship with Source.

My kids don't belong to me, they belong to the Universe.  I'm just here to steward them through this life the best I can.  My responsibility is to teach them the right values and release them back into the world as confident, secure and independent human beings.  I am supposed to let them go weave their own story into the fabric of this reality.

Letting go means I'm free to live my life, feel my own emotions of joy, sadness, fear, or guilt without worrying if those feelings belong to me or someone else.  My life is empowered if I focus on my own dreams and learn from my own experiences.  I can't move forward in life if I'm tethered to another person emotional state.

I trust the everyone's spiritual path is perfect.  What do you think?  Comment below.

Peace, Love, Namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Day 15_Sharing Your Happiness

The centering thought for this meditation states that "The happiness of others is my own happiness."  Sharing makes the world go 'round.  Nobody plays this game alone.  The old adage says, "you get more when you give more" and, I have found that to be true.

This meditation helps me to see how someone else's happiness can affect my own.  A  whole new world of possibilities opens up for me when I learn to close the gap of separation between myself and another human being.  If I can co-create with them, together, we can find a wealth spring of hopes and dreams.  Great success can emerge from these collaborations.  Today, I look for the similarities between me and my fellow human beings.  It is a gift to be able to share goals and ambitions with a community of likeminded individuals.  Together we can do more.

When my children feel happy, I feel such joy.  It's a natural experience between a mother and her children to share their glee.  When, for example, they accomplish a goal that they are passionate about, a mother feels glad to hear them share about their success.  Or, when they express their joy with a simple smile, a mother's happiness is hard to contain.

The moment my daughter gave birth to each of my grandkids I was touched and moved to the core of my existence.  It is incredible to watch how life unfolds and manifests in this world.  The experience triggered a flashback in my mind of how I must have entered this harsh, sharp world.  The memory of the soft muffled sounds of a mother's beating heart and the dark, warm protection of her womb were sharply contrasted by the harsh bright lights of this cold world.  The sounds of the outside world which had once been soft and muffled were now loud, clanging and sharp.  I imagine the experience triggered some deep-rooted memories within me and when these bundles of pure love energy were born, it was as if I had been born again. 

The more I move through my life, the more I realize how much alike we are with one another.  Even though we are unique individuals in extraordinary ways, the desire for happiness and freedom seem universal.
How do you share your happiness? Are you of service to your community, do you care for your loved ones, or do you share your gifts with the world?  You can use the "comment" section below and SHARE!

Peace, Love, Namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Day 14_Fulfilling My Dreams Fulfills my Spirit

"To thine own self, be true." Shakespear.

If I follow my deepest desires, then the source of that desire must be my spirit. It's my spirit that quietly speaks to me through my thoughts, dreams, and actions. My body is my spirit's vehicle. It uses me to create and manifest all things in form. It lives within me to lift me up and help me understand how I am loved and protected.

Everything in my life happens as it should, no matter how it materializes. The unfoldment of my dreams, whether they might be relating to my finances, health or relationships, is Spirit's way of living through me. It guides me through my darkest hours and most difficult situations.

When I was a young girl, I was taught to go to church and ask for forgiveness whenever I was punished for misbehaving. I was expected to pray to God and ask him to remove all my sins. However, reciting the regulation prayers felt insincere and false. I never had a Spiritual experience kneeling in that church.

Today, I find that meditation is the best conduit to Source Energy. I have a personal connection to Spirit and have had many spiritual experiences during my meditations. This personal relationship is my truth. It feels right for me.

In the past, my understanding of spirituality was that God existed outside of me and if I were to know and feel him, it would take a miracle. Today I know that True Source lives within me, deep in my heart. There is no separation between my God and me, we are one. The wondrous miracles that keep showing up in my daily life are all the proof I need to validate my understanding.

Peace, Love, Namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Day 13_ Manifesting From Your True Self

Spirit has infinite intelligence and will guide and direct us if we let it.  Recently, I had the experience of feeling frustrated and angry about a situation wherein I had no control. I was brokering a business deal which required cooperation from a third party before it closed.  I pleaded and gave my best argument as to why my idea would work for all the parties involved, and yet, my plan was rejected. 

This resulted in me feeling betrayed, unappreciated and dismayed.  The deal hinged on a "yes" from these people, however, as a result of them saying "NO," a better opportunity arose.  I was able to double my gains on a deal I thought had been lost. Had the third party agreed to my original plan, the new and more lucrative deal would never have manifested. I was able to witness first hand through this experience that Providence supports my desires and reveals its best solutions for me.
Trusting in the Cosmic Intelligence allows me to believe it will take care of my needs.  I can spend less time worrying about the things I cannot control and trust that I can accomplish whatever I desire.  My belief and trust in this Intelligence allow me to rest peacefully.  I have no power over other people's lives nor the choices they make and know that the only power I have is over my own life.  Although I can make a difference in my world by being of service to others and my community, I can only do that with the grace of this Cosmic Intelligence.     

That prompts me to think of the story of two friends walking along the shore of a beautiful, white, sandy beach. They came to a place where the receding tide had exposed thousands of stranded starfish to the blistering heat of the sun.  One of the friends began picking up and throwing the starfish, one by one, back into the ocean.  The other friend said, "What are you doing?  There are thousands of stranded starfish here, throwing a few of them back into the sea won't make a difference."  His friend continued his rescue mission, and as he threw another starfish into the sea, he retorted, "Well, it made a difference to that one."

We cannot possibly understand all the reasons why our lives unfold as they do.  However, if we show up for life fully present and, participate in it to the best of our ability, then the Universe will help us manifest our dreams.  If we have "good" intentions, treat others well, as we would have them treat us, then our true desires will be met.  
My greatest frustration today is how long it is taking to complete my Costa Rica project.  However, if I am honest with myself, this is just a "snag" in the completion of my dream.  I have nothing to complain about.  
What are you trying to bring to fruition in your life?  Does it stem from your true self's desire?  Comment below.
Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Day 12_Living Manifestation

We come into this life from Spirit fully developed in a natural state of human awareness.  We grow and mature by learning skills to attain our desires.  And when our attention is placed in a flexible and focused state of infinite consciousness, it's natural to think we can co-create with our internal guiding Power to attain our greatest dreams.   

I was taught, early in life, to believe this world and humanity are unfair, scary and violent. My family immigrated from Cuba to the U.S. as political refugees escaping Castro's communist regime. Fear dominated my world for many years, and still, today, I find that most of my limiting beliefs stem from that fear. Consequently, my nature, which is loving, kind, gregarious and free, is at odds with that fear. 

What I want most is to be loved, protected and free. Unfortunately, many of my life's experiences showed me that the what I was to experience was the opposite.  Abuse, oppression, and abandonment became part of my story.

I reacted by separating myself from the world and fearing that expressing my true nature would cause pain and misery.  Walls were formed, I began lying to myself and hiding my vulnerabilities. I learned how to appear hardened and ready for battle to protect myself from the harsh, cruel world and the pain it brought me. The more I suited up with the armor of cockiness and obstinance, the darker and denser the burden of carrying these untruths about my nature became, and, my recourses no longer served me.  I finally had to succumb to the pain of living that lie and revealed my genuine, natural state of being, which was intrinsic to the Power of Love and Generosity.  I began the transcendence of growing beyond the pain and realized the bliss of a Universal Power.

In reality, what I am discovering as I mature in this body, mind, and spirit, is that the light will always obliterate the darkness. My true nature will always shine brightly, even through the darkest times of my life.  There will be challenges, that is the nature of existence in this dimension.  What I have come to realize is that the sun shines justly no matter if there is war or peace in our hearts.  We must have the insight and patience to wait until the dust of battle that obliterates the light settles.  Soon, we begin to see the steams of light beaming through the clouds shining over all souls and warming the harshness of humanity.  Then, we become reborn with a new awareness of peace and harmony that is ever present in Spirit.  
Creating a life of easy manifestation requires me to take care of myself first.  I need to be willing, to accept my true nature.  I am loving, happy and free.  If someone or something wants to take that away from me, there's a never-ending supply of more from Source Energy.  I can surrender it, give it away lovingly, and be recharged and fulfilled by the abundance of the Universe.

What determines my trajectory in life are the little things I do every day.  How I carry myself and treat others.  How I care for myself, my body, mind, and spirit.  Living a clean life, eating healthily, wearing comfortable, simple clothes, surrounding myself with positive people, and how I prioritize my activities each day as I set out to interact with the outside world.

I find that taking the time to sit with Spirit and immersing myself in its abundant, free-flowing energy, that these are the things that create harmony and peace in my life.  I co-create an environment for the growth and enrichment of my spiritual nature. 

On the other hand, if I overlook my basic needs for self-care, little by little, I begin to feel the burdens of everyday life weighing me down. Fear begins to override my natural loving instincts, and I see the people in my life as the enemy trying to keep me from reaching my full potential. I begin to believe that the outside world is what's preventing me from attaining my true desires and that life is just too hard. Maybe if I move, find a new partner, indulge in eating and drinking in unhealthy ways, I can forget how horrible my external circumstances are by artificially altering my state of mind.

The truth of the matter is that I am in charge of my attitude and the choices I make in my life. No outside person, place, or thing can affect my serenity unless I allow it.  The only thing that disturbs my peace of mind and internal harmony is me.  My expectations of how the world should revolve, how others should behave and my need to control all aspects of my life, is what displaces my inner peace.  The reality is that I am the only one who can accept myself and my truth.  
If I stay connected to my loving, kind and gregarious nature, nothing from the outside world can alter my peace and freedom.  If agitated and fearful, I can stop my activity, transcend this body, and move into the cosmic realms.  All I have to do is take a deep breath, close my eyes, center my body and mind, and in my heart, be with Spirit. There I am genuinely protected, loved, cared for and free to feel eternal bliss.  I can suspend my beliefs of fear and doubt and bask in the glory of freedom, peace, and tranquility.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Monday, August 6, 2018

Day 11_The Matrix of Manifestation: Flexible Consciousness

Awareness is fungible, not fixed.  It is always changing, flexible and flowing.  If we expect it to stay the same forever, we limit our understanding of the subtle nature of fluidity and free-flowing energy. 

A great example of how awareness can be flexible is the experience of making a lifestyle change.  For instance, changing your eating habits by eliminating consumption of unhealthy foods and substances, like sugar, processed foods, alcohol and other chemicals known to be toxic to your body.  That change can cause misery and pain. Going through detox is not fun.  When one develops unhealthy habits, depriving the body and mind of the things it craves can cause headaches, stomach cramps, and a general sense of unease and discomfort about your body.  Sometimes, the pain of going through a change in habit can tempt one to abandon the idea.
On the other hand, once the body adjusts to this new way of eating, a new kind of freedom is found, it feels better.  One begins to relax into this new way of living and basic needs like sleeping, breathing, evacuating, and autonomic bodily functions return to homeostasis. Soon one finds that the pendulum has swung in the other direction, and free-flowing energy begins to compel you to make healthier choices.  However, if you are not diligent about creating these new choices daily,  you will find yourself sliding back towards those old habits of consumption which took you out of balance in the first place.

Change comes to me in waves. If I stick with the process, I usually understand that the benefits will outway the negatives.  My commitment to writing this blog and reflecting on Deepak and Oprah's 21 Day Meditations, is a NEW addition to my day and a change in my usual meditation practice.  Sometimes I balk at having to sit down and set my mind to the task.  However, if I embrace the process and override my inclination to say, "forget it," I begin to trust that, through it, I will learn about myself.  The benefit will result in me learning a new discipline and possibly change the course of my life.  What if, through this process, I have a breakthrough understanding of my underlying motivates for the choices I make?  Then the "process" becomes a tool for change which, at worst, can improve my writing skills, at best, becomes a catalyst for reaching a higher state of being.  
Remember the example of the weed pushing through the slab of concrete to lift itself up and out into the sunlight?  That's what it feels like when I work on building my desire to become my Absolute Best.  I can change, grow and turn towards the sunlight of the Spirit each and every day, even beyond the 21 days of this challenge.  No matter how hard it feels to plow through this, I know I will have a breakthrough and come to a deeper understanding of who I am.

Life's journey ebbs and flows.  The events we experience are like the waves on the ocean, they come, we navigate the ride, feel the surge of the energy beneath us, and, innately ride along with the great Power that propels us over it.  The sea of awareness is like the ocean. We can learn how to feel that Spiritual Wave coming towards us and learn to ride it to the end.  Then, when the ride is over, gently come down into the womb of the Universe and prepare for the next one.  Or, we can get distracted, lose our focus, be unprepared to ride the wave, and when it comes, find ourselves crashing down into the surge of an immense force that tosses us about like we were ragdolls. 
Meditation can be very similar to riding that ocean wave.  My mental and bodily state while I do my practice determines whether I ride that wave and gently settle into its end or, become distracted, crash and get tossed about.  It's impossible to shut off the many thoughts in my head while I'm meditating.  However, if I sit quietly and "observe" them as they pass by my mind's eye, I begin to calm down. The tension starts to slip away and time stands still. 

On the contrary, when I hold on to a thought and begin building another "story," such as, "I always have to take care of everyone else's problems," or, "I'm running late again, I can't stand the thought of getting on the 405 freeway," I tense up.  My shoulders elevate up to my ears, my heart rate increases, my breathing becomes shallower, and I get out of sync with Spirit.  Spirit will not interrupt my busy mind, it waits for me to invite it in.  However, I can only do that if I'm not engaged with my story.

The only way for me to escort in the free-flowing nature of Spirit is to ease my breath, release the grasp on my thoughts, relax and just exist on my couch, NOW.  Not tomorrow, later today, but NOW.  Now, is when I can embrace the magic of my heart, notice it's gentle beating, feel the expansion of my lungs as they breath in and out, and observe the wonder of intelligence and magic of my body's autonomic systems. Only in the NOW can I hear the sound of the ocean in my head, sounds of nature all around, soft music in the background, warmth on my skin and the cool breeze hitting and cooling it ever so gently. Only in the NOW, I can feel the flow of life.

Meditation feels like a hug from the Universe.  Receiving love from Source reminds me that I am not alone and that there's a more significant purpose for my existence.  The surge of that Power is electric, and the more I gravitate towards it, the more my energy becomes recharged and ready to power through my day.  The charge makes it easy to make the right choices for my body, mind, and soul.  Whether those choices are to eat or drink more healthily, choose like-minded, more positive people to surround myself with, or focus on activities that drive me towards my highest purpose, they bring me fluid and flowing energy Powered by Spirit.  So daily, I chose to ride the wave of life by living life in wonder and amazement.

Peace, Love, Namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Friday, August 3, 2018

Day 10_The Matrix of Manifestation: Focus

This meditation demonstrates how our focus allows us to drill down and get to work on our desires.  It facilitates our drive to concentrate on the task at hand.  We become one with the act, there is no separation between the doer and the doing.  Focusing on what we love is straightforward, but what about when the job is less enjoyable?  Then, the tendency for distraction begins to creep in and we quickly lose our focus.

I remember loving school, for the most part, except for math.  I missed a class in 3rd-grade when our lesson for the day was learning how to carry over numbers.  My grades were always A's until that dreadful day.  When I came back to school after my absence, I had no idea how the teacher was converting a seven to a six by borrowing one (really a ten) from it and giving it to the five, which sat to the right of it, converting the five into fifteen.  That way, we could subtract six from the original five because now, it was fifteen.  We could solve the problem of subtracting a larger number from the smaller one.  What??  Can you manipulate numbers on a whim just to solve the problem?  I did not understand, I missed that lesson!  How did these new rules work?  I could only solve the problems by counting on my fingers!  I didn't get the memo and, the teacher could not or would not explain.

It took me a long time to get up to speed with math.  It became my worst subject, taking my grade on a nose-dive; from an A to an F!  There went my confidence, I shut down, lost my focus and was unable to grasp math for years after that experience.  It wasn't until I took remedial math in 9th grade that I finally had an "ah-ha" moment and things began to shift.  I was able to focus and once again, became willing to learn.

On the contrary, that was not my experience with dance class.  There, I was always focused.  If I didn't understand, I would ask questions.  If I couldn't execute the move correctly, I would try and try again until I mastered and excelled in my technique.  The difference between my fear of numbers and my love of dance was like night and day.  My ability to focus, learn and grow with a subject I was interested in, loved and was fascinated by, created laser focus in my mind.  It allowed me to develop creativity, build strength in my body, bend and mold it into the dancer I am today.

Even though my skills for understanding numbers are nowhere near the level of a mathematician's, they play a crucial part in my success.  The focus of my business is derived from my gift of dance, my desire to be of service and sharing my understanding of health and fitness with others.  The love of dance is what allows me to thrive and make a good living. Teaching others how to take care of the body, mind, and spirit forces me to focus on keeping my books in order.  It forces me to work with those numbers that used to boggle my mind.  I must continuously check my bottom line, determine which aspects of my business bring me the best R.O.I. and have the discipline to decide where to place my money and energy for continued growth.

I believe the Universe can be our best teacher.  Whenever there is a need for us to grow and learn, it provides the vehicle for us to better focus our energies.  We, in cooperation with this Power, can expand our knowledge and understanding in the areas of our lives where we are weakest. Through adversity, we become stronger.  What seems to be our biggest obstacle slowly begins to cooperate with us and starts tearing away at the barriers and distractions which hold us back from our highest purpose.  We become willing to accept the Power within us that moves us towards the light.

Nothing can hold back the heart's desire.  Focus, strength, and determination will push through any obstacle in its way.  The weed that wants to break through to the surface and bathe in the sunlight cannot be stopped; by any means.  Even a slab of concrete cannot tamp it down.  It will find the tiniest crack to break through, and once it does, nature will take its course and help it continue to grow, expand and thrive.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Day 9_The Matrix of Manifestation: Unbounded Awareness

Feeling that connectivity to Source is unbounded awareness.  I love walking down to the river by my house in Costa Rica, finding my favorite swimming hole, taking a refreshing dive into the crisp, clean water, watching the rippling streams of cascading waterfalls and basking in the sun on my favorite hot, smooth rock.  When I sit there, quiet in meditation, feeling grounded, connected with the earth and Cosmos, that's when, most often, tears of joy stream down my face.  It is then I know I am home, in my heart, in Unbounded Awareness.  It's the place where the Universe lives in me and my sense of being lives within It.

So many moments in my life have proven to me that Grace does exist and I am part of that matrix.  When I dance, my body is transformed into an expression of my thoughts and feelings; the telling of my story transcends my movements.  When I write from my heart, the words flow out, seemingly, without a thought, as if I'm receiving a download from the Cosmos and through me, the information is transcribed.

Those out of body experiences are where the awareness of my existence breaches the confines of my skin and merges with the great beyond; beyond body and mind into pure Spirit.  Spirit dances, moves and communicates with itself through me.  The matrix works to form my reality.

That fullness of experience is so revealing that it can't be missed.  I remember a time, way back in my memory, as a young girl when I was racing the 50-yard dash.  I wanted to win.  I remember pushing myself to, what I thought, was my maximum capacity and then all of a sudden, something shifted and it felt like I was no longer the one doing the action.  My legs were literally moving on their own, without my power.  I glanced down at them and saw how they were pumping hard and fast, up and down, my feet hitting the track at a rapid pace, the wind against my face and simultaneously, pulling back and feeling like I was suspended in midair.  I can remember that feeling like it was yesterday.  The memory seared itself into my mind giving me the gift of Unbounded Awareness very early in life.  I learned to believe that great Power exists within me and I can do anything I put my heart, body, mind, and soul into.  And yes, I won!

Where in your life has the matrix of Unbounded Awareness presented itself?

Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
Share your comments below:

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Day 8_The Royal Road to Manifestation

"Intention" is the focus of today's meditation.  "My intention holds the key to fulfillment," says Deepak.  This meditation guides us through understanding that our desires are seeds for our intention.   And, in order to manifest our desires, we must care for the seedling.

I find that, for me, simple desires such as satiating my appetite or purchasing a dress are easy to attain. However, when the goal becomes a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) my tendency is to freeze, procrastinate, blame others or begin negative self-talk.  Sometimes I catch myself saying, "Forget it, that BHAG is too much trouble, I'm over it."

This meditation shows me how limited thinking becomes ineffective and thwarts my determination to take action towards my dreams.  Thinking that my desires come from external sources, rather than from the Universal Source, underminds my awareness and makes me believe that my dreams are unreachable.

If I find that I am feeling frustrated and exasperated, not getting what I want, unable to attain my goals, in most instances, those are the times when I'm moving outside of my comfort zone.  Just noticing that I'm uncomfortable forces me to STOP, go deep within, and reach into my heart.  That is the only way I can reach Source Energy and truly co-create my life's dreams with the Universe.  It is through my true intentions that I will reach my dreams.

Realizing Divine Source, finding its nature seeded deep within my heart, affects a connection with the Universe.  That Power, through meditation, becomes embodied within and, when I become fully aware of that bond, boundless ability and strength override my limited thinking.  I gather the confidence to take action and move towards those BIG goals.

And sometimes, the action that comes to mind during meditation is to do NOTHING.  Just sitting, pausing, contemplating, and watching for an indication from the Divine as to what might be the best "next step" to take is, sometimes, the best course of action.

Dealing with negative people who are uncooperative, defiant, and obstinate are by far my greatest challenge.  So many people take what they need and never give back.  That frustrates me to no end.  I tend to lose my cool around them because I foolishly try to convince them to see the errors of their ways.  I get heated and my voice gets louder, I interrupt because, of course, I know what they're going to say and it's wrong.  By the end of these of confrontations, I'm the one who's exhausted and beat.

However, when I let go and release them and their refusal to cooperate up to the Universe saying, "Ok, I know Source Energy has something bigger and better in store for me that does NOT include these people.  Help me find a way around this impasse."  Then, a weight is lifted and all becomes peaceful.  I surrender. 

I always admired Barak Obama when watching how measured he was when dealing with difficult people.  I never saw him lose his cool.  How I wish I could handle myself like that, calm, collected, cool, no matter how obstinant others might be.  That is a learned skill and I desire to master carrying myself in that manner.  I know that if I continue to meditate regularly, envisioning myself handling tough situations with difficult people in that same fashion, I too can reach a natural state of temperance.  All I have to do is have the intention, then, care for the seedling.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day_7 Your Deepest Desire

"My deepest desires is for completeness."  That is the thought for the day.

Completeness spans across several areas of my life.  As I reflect on Day Seven and search deeply for what completion means to me, I envision living a tranquil life in Costa Rica.  My husband, who is my best companion, at my side and my kids and grandkids visiting often.

My energy is slowly, not completely, winding down in the "career" department, although, I do plan to continue facilitating Absolute Best Costa Rican Retreats and managing investments down there.  I am beginning to shift to a slower pace, a less intense work schedule, and taking more time to care for myself and my needs.  It is now time to transition my energy and effort towards semi-retirement.

Healthwise, my body is beginning to heal.  Since I retired from frequently teaching hours of hard-core fitness classes, my aches and pains have subsided.  I am noticing a little bit of muscle atrophy so, Yoga and Pilates are in order.  (I'll keep you posted on an upcoming 1st Thursday class).
My desire, as I move through the 60th decade of my life, is to maintain a tight, toned and fit body.  I would like to better balance my body's chemistry and be in a state of homeostasis.  The stressors which overstimulate my bodily systems causing them to heat up and produce excessive wear and tear throughout, are slowly being eliminated from my life.

Emotionally, as these desires begin to unfold, I will, of course, feel blissfully happy, joyous and liberated.  I will feel peace in my heart.  The right to feel happy is innate, however, I have learned that my mind, body, and soul must be aligned with the Universal Power to reach that state.  That is the only way I can receive transmissions of ''Love's" energy.  If I can acknowledge that happiness is part of the "love" equation, then living my life today, right here in San Pedro, CA. is as perfect a place to live it as any.  I don't have to "go" anywhere to find it.

It helps me to remember the times in my life when my desires were leading me in one direction and the end result was something completely different and much better than what I had imagined!  A perfect example was when I purchased my studio, The Personal Best Building.

In the beginning of my career with my studio, I was facilitating test groups for fitness products.  I helped produce and film infomercials with huge companies like Guthey-Renker and American Telecast, pioneers in the direct marketing business.  I remodeled the studio with that type of work in mind, however, my focus pivoted during the market crash of '08 and I ended up with Absolute Best!

What started as a business that facilitated marketing fitness products via infomercials turned into a multifaceted wellness facility.  We are now a group of alternative health practitioners who, together, provide the best of chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, fitness and dance training for our community. All this because of my desire to have a gorgeous dance studio.

That example proves to me that best-laid plans don't always meet with the desired goal.  Sometimes, the Univers has a better idea.

What examples can you come up with in your life that prove our Universe can complete your dreams?  If you take action, you are co-creating with a Grand Source that will surely be your best partner and companion in life.

Peace, love, namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here
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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Day_6 The Power of Attention

Why is it we get distracted on the way to fulfilling our dreams?  In this meditation, we learn that attention nourishes the seed for the growth of our intentions.

The urge to clean or do some menial task that stalls the start of essential activities, which are deemed to help me realize my true desires, illumes my tendency towards procrastination.  I am disciplined when it comes to work-related activities, my bread and butter.  However, integrating time in my day to concentrate and pay attention to tasks that will lead me to my highest purpose is not usually a daily practice.  I may delve into those types of projects intermittently throughout the month, and once I begin, I can sustain my concentration for hours.  The problem arises in getting STARTED!

My need for procrastination has been demonstrated regularly during the act of writing this blog.  Rather than getting up earlier to do my meditation and give myself plenty of time to contemplate the thought for the day, I run into my day and bypass the writing, until later that night.

I know that writing these blogs brings me insight and I am learning how to nourish and grow my intention to write.  The process is training me to bring out a deep desire of mine.  I wish to manifest the author in me.  So, even though I am tired at the end of the day, I have committed to publishing this blog for the 21 days of this Meditation Challenge.  And as I do, my focus, concentration, and attention create the written words on a page.

Even as I write this, I'm thinking about the bath water I have to run for myself, I've interrupted my rhythm by searching for meditation music on Youtube and playing it for ambiance to calm and focus myself.  These are all distractions and simply a means to put off the completion of the project.

What these machinations really mean is that I'm trying to get out of my commitment to myself; it would be easier NOT to write.  Deep down inside, I don't believe I'm an author, which is ironic because each time I click "publish" and send this out over the world wide web, I have manifested and brought to light the author within me.

How silly to think negatively about my desire.  I know I am not the only one who denies the Greatness within; we all do it.  I wish to overcome those negative tendencies, so, I plow through the work, override urges to procrastinate, wipe away those defeatist thoughts, and keep moving towards my desire.  Just by focusing my attention on wanting to communicate my words with you brings out the author in me.

Attention does nourish the seed of intention to fulfill its dreams.
How does attention drive you closer to your desires?  Comment below.

Love, peace, namaste.

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here

Day 5_The Fulfillment of Desire

Today the meditation centers around deserving complete fulfillment.

When I ask myself why I sometimes feel unworthy and undeserving of having my desires fulfilled, I think about my drive for perfection.  Dancing requires perfection, perfect alignment, posture, steps taken precisely at the right time, in an orderly fashion.  So when that discipline is taken into everyday life, and things don't play out perfectly, I feel let down.  I feel like I must have done something wrong, or that others aren't cooperating with me because they don't like, need or want me.  That leads me down the path of disappointment.

During life's dance, I usually find myself taking on lots of responsibilities.  I like to say it's my nature, however, as I age, I'm beginning to question that concept.  Is it my nature or have I conditioned myself to believe it's my only choice?  If I don't do it, then it probably won't get done. And would that be so bad?

And, there never seems to be enough time.  Why is it that I feel this compulsion to do so much, and yet, feel that 24 hours is never enough time to get it all done.  What am I trying to tell myself when I feel this way?  Do I feel that the Universe doesn't have enough time for me?

Of course, if I'm open-minded about the reality of life, there is no such thing as perfect.  We live in a fungible world.  Everything is transitional, temporal, nothing is fixed.  Perfection would mean the end of creation, wouldn't it?  I couldn't reset the stage, change the choreography, add or take away things that may or may not serve me.  Perfection, in that sense, would constrict my spirit.  It's like the story of looking back at the past and turning into stone; forever frozen in a statuesque stance.       

And is taking on so much responsibility really necessary?  Wouldn't I rather do less and enjoy my life more?  Who wants to feel overwhelmed by carrying so much stress?

I guess human beings feel compelled to accomplish as much as possible as they grow older because, as the clock keeps ticking, it becomes crunch time.  There's an underlying thought that tells us we have X number of years to live and if we don't realize our dreams now, we won't ever get "there."  I don't really know where "there" is; that place of attainment?  No matter, it seems like we're all trying for it.

I have had times when I felt complete synchronicity with the Universe, usually moments of meditation.  Something happens to me in that blissful state where I fully understand that this world and its material stuff is temporal, only an instant in everlasting life.  That I am a continuum of energy, past, present, and future balled up into Bliss, that which is of no time and space and just is.  In those moments, I can truly feel my nature, my being, the old soul that understands the question and has the answer, all at once.

My true self is youthful, free, happy, determined, creative, compassionate, artistic, determined, intelligent, open-minded, and caring.  Therefore, I deserve complete fulfillment.

How about you?  What makes you feel deserving of fulfillment?
Share your comments below!
Peace, Love, Namaste,

Listen to Deepak and Oprah's meditations here

Friday, July 27, 2018

Day 4_Effortless Creation

Day 4 Today's meditation is about surrendering; releasing our desires to the Universe and moving on.

When I was a little girl, I remember desperately pleading for that horse I spoke about in my last blog.  I didn't know anything about detachment when I was a child, I just wanted my wish to come true.   I couldn't understand why my request seemed so unreasonable.  My Dad actually got angry when I kept asking, exclaiming, "That's enough about the horse!  Where do you think we're going to keep it, in the middle of our living room?"  However, what I heard him say was, "It's impossible to realize your dream."  So, I stopped wishing.

We had newly immigrated from Cuba, it was the early 60's, we lived in the heart of Miami and my parents were on a limited budget.  Those circumstances never factored into my imagination.  I was a child, all I knew was; I wanted a horse.  It was an innocent desire that oozed out of my heart and soul.  I didn't have the ability to reason how I was going to get one, no thought of  "action" steps or how to go about the business of getting what I wanted.  I let go of that wish many years ago.

I believe there's a difference between a wish and a desire.  A wish comes and goes, but a desire lives in the depths of the soul.  Although it may lay dormant for a time, it will always rise again like the phoenix from the ashes.

I now have my properties in Costa Rica, beautiful, sprawling lands, wide open for a horse to roam freely.  Once again, that dream is alive and can now be fulfilled.  Although my external circumstances as a little girl squelched that wish, my true self held the space for the desire.  Now, all I have to do is take the necessary steps to get one and care for it.

There have been many examples in my life where letting go of a desire and detaching from the outcome later manifested into realizing the dream.  A clear example of that was when I was dancing professionally.  I would go on several auditions hoping for work and, after the tryouts, I would fret about my performances.  I would leave wondering what I could have done differently to somehow clinch the job.  Later, I would hang around the phone, for days, waiting for a "callback" only to feel disappointed when it didn't come.  However, the times when I went in, put my best self forth, left without any expectations of the results, undoubtedly, I would get a callback and, most of those times, I would land the job.

Life has constantly demonstrated to me that when I gracefully surrender my efforts to the Universe, it brings me what I desire, at the right time and, in the best way.  I heard a saying the other day, God has only three responses to our prayers, "no, not now, and, I have a better idea."  If I could only remember that our brilliant Universe is carrying me through life, lovingly and caringly.  If I could keep that thought in the foreground of my daily living, I could relieve myself of many stressful situations.

Surrender, don't fight with life, just go with it and see how much easier it becomes.  All your dreams can come true.

Right?  Do you agree?
Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen, experience and,
share your thoughts below.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Day 3_The Source and Goal of Desire

Day 3  The centering thought for the day is "My true self contains every possibility."  That sounds true to me.  My inner child, who naively believes all her dreams can become a reality, reigns in the deepest recesses of my mind.  That child's innocent imagination, untainted by the world's hard knocks, will always be present.

It's hard for me to think of things that are unattainable in my life because my history has proven time and again that I can manifest my desires.  However, there are some things I believe I will never be able to have, like living in my native-born country of Cuba.  I have resigned myself from wanting that dream to come true.  Instead, I have focused my attention on Costa Rica.  It's a lot like my country; the language, the landscapes, and people, who, unlike the oppressed society of Cuba, live in a free and liberated democracy.

I may not ever have that horse that I wished for when I was a little girl even though, it's hard to resign myself of that thought.  I'm 61 going on 62, and still, have not manifested it!  If it's meant to be, it may happen yet.  Costa Rica would certainly be the place to have one.

And I truly have resigned myself from ever becoming a billionaire, it doesn't really matter to me what my worth is anymore.  As long as I have my health, my family and my connection with the Universe, I will feel fulfilled.

If I really wanted to live in Cuba, I guess I could suck it up and find a way.  That is not my wish.  I could also become a revolutionary and help that society shift its collective thinking into believing that capitalism is not all bad.  However, that would make for a hard swim against the current tide of ideas.  My ambitions have led me to the easier softer path of reaching retirement and a new life in Costa Rica.

And that billion dollars, I truly give it to the Universe, if that's going to be the course of my life, then I will embrace the money that comes.  My truth about money is that Source will always provide, whatever my needs and intentions, they will always be met.  So it's up to my imagination, just like that inner child, to visualize and then take action towards my goals, ambitions, and dreams.  If I stay the course, I will always reach the destination.

What do you think?  What in your life has not manifested for you?  What would you need to do to make it a reality?  Close your eyes and dream a bit.  It's the best place to start.

Love, Peace, Namaste,

Listen, experience and,
share your thoughts below.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Day 2_The Spirit of Desire

Day 2 
I would be lost without the spirit of desire.  I'm blessed to have realized my passion for dance at a very young age and to have created a life propelled by that gift.  Dance is the driving force that allows me to see Life as Art.

I cannot imagine a life without movement.  It would be as if everything was stagnant and festering in the muck of destruction.  Lately, I have noticed, especially in this current environment of social instability with its increasing numbers of homeless people, the ugliness and trappings of hopelessness.  People seem to be stuck in the muck of desirelessness.  "Why should I bother with trying, nothing ever works out for me anyway", could be their thinking.  Hopelessness can become a downward spiral driving one deep into the pits of despair.

All my feelings, joy, sadness, anger, fear, and everything else in between need a channel of expression, an outlet.  If not, they become bottled up inside and create tons of volatile pressure capable of destroying me and my world.  And what a shame that would be because I truly believe I am part of the Universal purpose and my body exists in this time and dimension as a conduit for expressing its Desire.  If Desire is part of my nature, then I want to realize all the channels available to me to bring it forth to the world.

There have been many instances in my life where my desire and a positive outcome became perfectly aligned.  One of the earliest memories of that conscious connection was in grade school.  One of my teachers discovered my talent for dance and took a special interest in getting me enrolled in a formal class.  Even though my parents could not afford the lessons, my dance teacher took me on as a student and gave me a scholarship so I could train as a classical ballerina.  She took me on as her protege, working privately with me for many years and, she helped lay down the foundation of what would become my life's endeavor.

Another instance was also connected to my dance.  My ballet teacher, Ms. Stadler, took me to a special class one day at a beautiful studio in Coral Gable, Florida.  I was so impressed by the huge double door entrance and sprawling foyer, the beautiful spiral staircase leading up to the owner's living space, the gorgeous mirrored dance space with bars and lovely hardwood floors, that I was awed by the moment.  I remember thinking, "when I grow up, I want a home just like this with a beautiful studio built right into my house."  That dream came true.  Since then, I've had not one, but two beautiful living spaces where I can step right into my gorgeous dance studio situated right inside my home.

And I can honestly say that having the desire to have children in my life has brought me more joy and happiness than I could have ever imagined.  Just to know of their presence lifts my heart and soul and to see them bring forth their own children is even grander!  Yes, a dancing Grandma!  I'm their "Abba," short for Abuelita, and except for the excessive demands on my energy just to keep up with them, they are the sweetest part of my life.

There are so many examples of how this force of desire is truly powerful.  It makes me think of the adventures and challenges I have experienced throughout my journey with my Costa Rican dream.  The properties I purchased so many years ago were wrought with problems; no infrastructure, a far distance from home, uncooperative people, legal issues, and so much more.  Yet, the dream was bigger and more powerful than the negative forces which pushed and pulled against it.

Today, it is becoming a reality.  We are beginning to build our infrastructure, our neighbor is building his home and I am slowly realizing that my desire is taking form.  It was my desire that created my vision and together, they were the driving force which kept the dream alive.  I was meant to create a retreat in this tropical paradise where I could invite customers, clients, patients, relatives, and friends to bask in a paradise of flora and fauna.  Nothing could have stopped that desire from manifesting.  And it is happening right now!

Desire, keep coming!
Thanks to Oprah and Deepak

Peace, love, namaste,

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Day 1_The Nature of Desire

I always look forward to Deepak and Oprah's 21 Day Meditation Challenges.  Sharing them with all my friends keeps me on track with the process, so, I decided to write this blog and journal my insights on each day's meditation.

Day 1 started yesterday but it's not too late to get on board.  Just click here, to begin listening.  Each day's web stream will be available for 5 days; then they automatically drop off, leaving the current day's and upcoming sessions available.

I like to listen every morning before starting my day, and then again, in the evening when I am winding down.

Here are some insights from the first's day's meditation.

My hopes and desires for this meditation challenge are to be accepting of my age; to welcome my 62 years of existence on this planet and embrace the beauty, grace, and wisdom of my body.  That way, my spirit can be free to soar.

The nature of my desire expresses itself throughout my day.  First, by compelling me to sit and meditate in the early morning.  Then, my body demands that I evacuate my system, flushing all that which no longer serves me and creating space for more fulfillment.  Just as my body functions in this manner, I am finding that as I age, my mind too is beginning to purge daily responsibilities which no longer serve me.

I can visualize my upcoming day and let go of "stuff"; possessions, obligations, hardcore exercise, and even some relationships.  I can detach my thinking from the material to the Universal plane, from getting to giving, and I can share my energy with softer, kinder people.

I am a people pleaser.  I want you to like me so much that I put my needs aside just to make sure you get yours met.  I even feel anxious and upset if things don't work out well for you!  However, deep down inside, that urge to help is really a deep-seated need to be recognized and loved.  Which means... I don't believe I AM loved!  I need to change that M.O. and begin to take care of and love myself first.  I am responsible for me, you are responsible for you.

I hope this meditation will help me manifest my desire for getting my needs met first.  Additionally, I am hoping to learn how best to release the burden of so much responsibility.  I'm not getting any younger, the timeline for this life is growing shorter and I want to fulfill my dreams while I can.  The best way for me to succeed on this journey is to make my health; body, mind, and soul, a priority in life.

If I eat right, continue with moderate exercise, meditate, and surround myself with genuinely healthy individuals, I may be able to live until I'm 100 years of age.  That gives me plenty of time to make ALL my dreams come true.

Love, peace, namaste.

Listen and experience the meditations...

What did you get out of the meditation?  Comment below...